500 days of Autumn

500 days of Autumn

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

February stories.

First off:To do a little bragging.
My Brother.

Seriously,How amazing is he? I'm obsessed with the song.Can't believe he wrote it.

Secondly:My camera is sadly neglected of late,as life tends to spin madly on.My phone has kindly offered to share some images.

Happy March everyone!!



Jocee said...

dude. your brother. dang. that's all i can say.
-jocee <3

Ryan Gracie said...

I am sharing your camera issue,
{minus the camera}
Because I do not have a prefessional one :(

But even if I did, I would still have to use my phone very frequently.

And you like instagram?

I. Am. Obsessed.

Amanda said...

your brother is definitely very talented. Awesome!
Happy March to you as well!

Jennifer Laurel said...

Kaya! I also love your brother's talent. Excellent! Your family is very musical (I am thinking also of your lovely cousin Chenoa :P). Thanks for sharing! :)

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